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Preston Idaho


town image by Sander Weeteling

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Wind Speed: 5 mph

5 Days Forecast

Mon temp image 6 °F
Tue temp image 12 °F
Wed temp image 13 °F
Thu temp image 8 °F
Fri temp image 4 °F
family in the snow by Victoria Boradinova from Pexels

How to Have Fun in the Snow

by WikiHow

Playing in the snow is something that you're never too old to enjoy! Whether you're enjoying winter sports, creative winter activities, or good old fashioned fun, there are plenty of ways to have fun in the snow. So bundle up, and get ready to have a little bit of wintery fun.

Go sledding or tubing. One of the most popular wintertime activities is sledding and snow tubing. This activity is fun and easy, as you need little to no experience to begin. Find a good hill in your neighborhood and grab a tube or sled for hours of entertainment for the whole family. Sledding is fun for all ages, but young children should ride with a parent or older sibling for safety precautions. Sleds and snow tubes are usually affordable and can be purchased at most big box stores (Walmart, Target, etc.).[1] You can use materials found in most homes as makeshift sleds and tubes (garbage can lids, boxes, kiddie pools, etc.).

Have a snowball fight. Snowball fights are a great way to have some winter fun in your own backyard. Get a group of friends together, or make it a family battle. To make a snowball, grab a handful of snow and pack it together to create the shape of a ball. Make a game of Tag more interesting by incorporating a snowball fight. Whoever is "it" must tag people by hitting them with snowballs. Play a game of dodgeball with snowballs instead of bouncy balls. Avoid injuries by making sure the snow isn't too icy and not throwing your snowballs too hard. Remember, this should be fun, not painful.

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Cloudy Zone ✠ 30 N 1st E Preston, ID 83263 ☎ 999.999.9999 ✉